It is beautiful

It is raining hard today, very hard. It is raining copiously, shedding down unrestrained like a beautiful recitation, seamless and impeccable, splattering in its exquisite splendour. It is falling down like vociferously confessing its love for the earth, like poignantly releasing its pain to the earth. Love and pain have always been conjugates. 
 I like the sound of its heavy patter, the way it douses in its sound all other sounds, the way it deafens your ears and makes you listen to just itself, and nothing else. It is overpowering, it is overwhelming, and it is beautiful.

A rendition it is. Bliss to those who have been straining hard to listen to their own voice, to those who have been floundering in a deluge of a lot of noise.  It closes all your doors and opens one. The one that leads you to yourself; to that untended beauty lurking inside of you, to that beauty that had perhaps got down the lane of oblivion. It holds you in a tight embrace as if devouring you in its passion. It makes you fall in love with yourself.

It trickles down you in various channels. It floats your inarticulate emotions on its surface just like a paper boat floats in rain water gullies. And just like a paper boat’s course it charts the course of those emotions too. It scoops out that lamenting hollowness from your eyes and heart, only to well them with tears. It blends intricately well with the rain of emotions inside of you. It makes you smile and cry at the same time. It amplifies that pain, yet dissolves it too. It is curative and purgatory. It is enigmatic and it is beautiful.  

I was walking back home today in a preamble to such a beautiful weather. This evening I could feel a soft breeze blowing across my face, ruffling my hair, tangling them into locks. This ruffling however, I did not mind. I knew it would rain. I knew it just like I had known some other things. And I felt happy. It felt a perfect prelude to the rain.

This prelude was also an epilogue to last night’s weather; to last night’s rain. It had rained then too, though I had not realized it. How and why? I have no idea. Today’s morning had had a hint of sun with a  breeze wafting through your being. It had been pleasantly lukewarm, it had been comfortable. It had been the kind when you would want to look up at the clarity of the sky and snuggle up to the air around you. The trees had been fresh and moist after a wash like a recently done painting against the canvas of azure sky. You could smell  aroma of the wet earth.

This evening had borrowed most of its from the morning except that it missed the sun, the warmth of which had lingered on for some time before its final eclipse. But it was beautiful; nonetheless. It was beautiful because a retreating beauty has its own appeal.

It was beautiful because it went with a promise to return.

PS: I have been really busy for quite some time which took me more than a month to post something here. I promise to read all the posts as soon as possible. And lastly, and I know I have been extremely late in this, but a happy new year to all you. Thank you for being my wonderful readers. Your comments and encouragement  has only helped me to grow. 


Bikram said…
nice post ..
heavy rain if you see clears a lot of things nad when it has stopped raining everything seems to be more brighter and clearer ...

I myself love the rain especially the first one on parched land and the lovely smell it has ...

Happy new year to you too and good to see you back

Take care

Rahul said…
awesome...and now u re back too :-) good times in blogging are back....
-- said…
My comment is: Ditto the title of this post + !!! :D

I love the sound of rain especially when it makes us stop and LISTEN to it's beauty, just as you stated here!

Beautifully penned, our *wet* grain of sand ;) Looking forward to Nasnin's assessment :) The 'sisters' of literary wonder and brilliance :)

SOgreat to see you posting again! You've been missed :)
Saru Singhal said…
First and fifth paragraphs are so beautifully written. I was wondering about you. After 'Still', you were practically still in blogging. Anyways, welcome back and happy new year...

Awesome read.
Kunal said…
I am not reading this post now. I will wait. When it rains heavily here too, then I will open this page and read it. I will open the doors and windows of my room to let the sound or rain come in and the splashes of water within...and then I will read it. :)
Raj said…
Gentle as a breeze, magical as the rain! Beautifully written and soothingly serene! Welcome back. :)
You just read a whole book in the day of romancing nature and summed it all up here nicely for us to miss the moments we did not take notice.

And now, I want to see those moments too, through my eyes :)

Blasphemous Aesthete
Purba said…
There is something ethereal about rains - it brings back old memories, fills us with melancholy and euphoria...All of which you have expressed so well.

So many beautiful lines in your post. I could read it again and again.
PhilO♥ said…
The pattering of the rain, the wind on the face.. lovely descriptions :)
Nasnin Nasser said…
Exquisite! Just like the downpour the words came in profusion, cleansing the buried sentiments and thoughts!

"It trickles down you in various channels. It floats your inarticulate emotions on its surface just like a paper boat floats in rain water gullies. And just like a paper boat’s course it charts the course of those emotions too. It scoops out that lamenting hollowness from your eyes and heart, only to well them with tears. It blends intricately well with the rain of emotions inside of you. It makes you smile and cry at the same time. It amplifies that pain, yet dissolves it too. It is curative and purgatory. It is enigmatic and it is beautiful."...........profound lines...."it blended intricately well with the rain of the emotions inside me"......"It's beautiful" Stuti!
Nasnin Nasser said…
May be because of your apt usage of words....the first parts which captures the downfall very well resonates with the real fall....the feel could reach the heart:)
SM said…
nice post
love first rain the atmosphere changes beautifully
Mithlash said…
I love rain n the way you wrote it, awesome!
Happy New year!
Keep writing:)
Sujatha Sathya said…
so nicely written. though this was prose but the way you wrote it felt like a flow of words. nice and yes rains are mesmerizing
Mi said…
What a beautiful write up. I have read ppl write about rain and the season, but none were as beautiful as this. Effortless use of words! :)
realy beautiful! :)
Kunal said…
I am taking a complete U-turn from what I said before. Its isn't raining. Its almost sunny though. But, I do somehow think that this is the perfect weather to read this post. What better time to remember something when that something isn't in your vicinity!

I don't know, if you don't write enough or you don't post enough. Or may be, you don't write enough for posting. But, I would definitely wish that you keep posting regularly. However, I think, to write, one needs a kick. In the heart. When it flutters, the hand flutters too. To tell the language of the heart.

I don't want to quote something from your post, because I know I like them all. I hope to be back soon there to hear the sound of the rain and smell the scent of the land. :)
Elvirah said…
Rain brings joy and also a hope of a new beginning. It is the rain that has the power to make everything in the nature dance with it and go green making the ground wet. I like the damp wet smell of the dirt after the rain stops which you've mentioned in your post. You have very beautifully described the beauty of the rain in your post and i enjoyed going through it.
Anonymous said…
Really nice one. I just go through the post. I like it so much.Thank you for sharing.

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✿Sie✿ said…
I love reading every word you have said and I was smiling because I always love just brings calmness into my soul..passing by ;)
Stuti Dhyani said…
@Bikram:thanks a lot!and yeah rain da lot and gives clarity.

@Rahul: thank you so much dear!

@Fiona: it feels good to know that you have been missed. It makes you realize your worth amongst a small circle in this blogosphere. It feels special. Thank you for making me feel so. Your comments never fail to encourage me.
Stuti Dhyani said…
@KUnal: your comments are sometimes more elaborate in their utterance and expression than the post itself! Thank you! And yeah i totally concur with you when you say that writing comes when there is a kick in the heart. And the words then flow to articulate its language. I hope you come back again to relish the smell of the rain. Thanks again.

@Saru: thanks much for the appreciation. I hope to be more regular.

@Raj: thanks a lot!

@Anshul: what a comment! My readers have a way with their words. And that is such an inspiration for me. Thanks a lot!
Stuti Dhyani said…
@Purba: anything to make you come back to this blog over and over again :D. I am glad you liked the whole of it.

@Juhi: glad you liked it,thanks a lot!

@Nasnin: that one para is my favourite too. But i don't need to express my surprise at it..this similar design we are too well aware of :). Thanks for your lovely comment. It is a pleasure to read them.
Stuti Dhyani said…
@SM: glad you found it so, thank you

@Mithlash: thanks a lot!

@Sujatha: rain is mesmerizing for sure, thanks for dropping by :)

@Mi: that was a lovely comment, thanks a lot and thanks for dropping by!
Stuti Dhyani said…
@Elviarah: I am glad that you enjoyed going through this,thanks a lot!

@Education: thanks!

@Sie: thanks for dropping by, great that it could have that effect on you:)
Anil P said…
There's a certain silence to be experienced in heavy rains. A silence resulting from the rain blanking out all sounds save its own.
dishantparikh said…
Its amazing post, how easily and wonderfully you have describe and compare the feeling with rain... totally woderful..!!
Anonymous said…
Really Great post. I like it. Thank you ..

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Stuti Dhyani said…
@Dishant : Thank you so much for your comment. Thanks fore dropping by :-)

@Carolineoullette: Thanks for your kind comment :-)

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